Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018


Hada DBank is that the earliest digital banks to connect Islamic banking with BlockChain Technology, to establish an AN and responsible moral banking system. we are currently likely to suffer the abuse of our banks and monetary companies against our customers. There is a United Nations measure to get money out of nothing with debt and interest. this is often the reason that the world economy has folded over time, as a result of it arose since the first century. lack of responsibility that the bank has been defendant is kind of brave. which is why we tend to choose to be the environment of the bank institutions, the banks involved and the current personal current monetary revolution.

Hada DBNK Digital Bank can become the world's first block bloc to integrate Islamic banking modules with BlackChan technology, to establish an AN and responsible moral banking system. Due to the current digital channels and bank blocking, the new bank has centered on ancient banking services, we are ready to win Islamic banking services due to the lack of such facilities. By 2016, sharia banking is around $ 1.5 trillion worldwide.

We will raise capital for the Hada DBAK event by using HADACoin. consumers will be ready to use HADACoin to conduct banking transactions or daily activities. Our customers will be laid off with a cost account credit, allowing them to establish transactions with our HADASEON in a banking platon or alternative traders worldwide.

Huda DBank Technology
Hudana DBank, which uses a private block chain, is stored on every node in the network. By default, square-size nodes are controlled by Hada DBNK. Some nodes only store copies of Blocken and fail to participate in the Confirometria transcnet method (consensus protocol). This node will act as an entry node or a backup server. A node acting as a validator can be found on the network phase secured from the bank and created in the market through the incoming line node.


HADA DBANK uses private blockchain stored in every node in a network controlled by DBANK HADA. Some nodes only store a blockchain copy and can act as a gateway node or server backup node that acts as a validator on a secure network. This feature ensures the ability to validate the database and transaction history at any time in the future. The primary database stores all the data that passes its core. In addition to the main database, there are other databases that only store the core end state. This database is optimized for fast read and write account data during validation of new transactions. Thus, each node in the network stores and processes core states using two databases simultaneously to search and read transaction data quickly, others support common history and sync with other nodes in the network. The DBANK HADA architecture consists of different components where each component handles a set of separate functions. To modify each component independently by adding new features, as well as designing and launching new platform components. In the case of geographic location, components may be in permanent or non permanent places. The interaction between platform components is done via message or demand exchange, which is broadcast through network channels. The method for building this channel depends on the type of components and security requirements. In addition, the platform is a rule for authentication between components. The DBANK HADA architecture consists of different components where each component handles a set of separate functions. To modify each component independently by adding new features, as well as designing and launching new platform components. In the case of geographic location, components may be in permanent or non permanent places. The interaction between platform components is done via message or demand exchange, which is broadcast through network channels. The method for building this channel depends on the type of components and security requirements. In addition, the platform is a rule for authentication between components. The DBANK HADA architecture consists of different components where each component handles a set of separate functions. To modify each component independently by adding new features, as well as designing and launching new platform components. In the case of geographic location, components may be in permanent or non permanent places. The interaction between platform components is done via message or demand exchange, which is broadcast through network channels. The method for building this channel depends on the type of components and security requirements. In addition, the platform is a rule for authentication between components. In the case of geographic location, components may be in permanent or non permanent places. The interaction between platform components is done via message or demand exchange, which is broadcast through network channels. The method for building this channel depends on the type of components and security requirements. In addition, the platform is a rule for authentication between components. In the case of geographic location, components may be in permanent or non permanent places. The interaction between platform components is done via message or demand exchange, which is broadcast through network channels. The method for building this channel depends on the type of components and security requirements. In addition, the platform is a rule for authentication between components.

HADA DBANK uses private blockchain stored on every node in the network. By default, all nodes are controlled by DBANK HADA. Some nodes only store copies of blockchain and do not take part in the transacton confirmation process (consensus protocol). The node can act as a gateway node or backup server. A node that acts as a validator can be found on the secure bank segment of the bank and available through the gateway node.

The core database core is implemented in a blockchain structure, where each block is a set of transactons. Each new block defines a new core state according to the previous block state. The core of database integrity is provided by blockchain and consensus within it. Each block is connected cryptographically to the previous block. This feature ensures the ability to validate the database and history of transactons on each tme in the future. The primary database stores all the data that passes its core.

HADACoin Distribution
A total of 500 million HADACoins will be issued. 295 million coins will be offered for sale. Of the 295 million coins, 20 million will be allocated to private investors and insttutonal buyers. 50 Million coins 275 Million will be released during the PRA-ICO exercise and the remaining 225 million coins will be released in our ICO practice in the near future. 10 million coins will be allocated to reward campaigns.




For more information :


Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9

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