Senin, 30 April 2018



Emrify is the launch of a decentralized model, the Personal Health Records platform over the Ethereum public blockchain to provide reliable health information from the right hands at the right time, anywhere in the world

A decentralized project that has beneficial value for potential investors or investors is one project that will increase rapidly due to fluctuations in exchange of digital assets has increased significantly earlier this year. This network definition uses a somewhat unique theme from other blockchain platforms around the world, having a balance value and an investment process that has a higher profit value than the capital required in modern digital asset trading. Emrify Health Passport is a blockchain platform that introduces for the first time a unique creative idea in the economic market of symbolic economics that can start trading privately and in a platform for digital goods exchange.

Emrify Health Passport is one of the development outcomes of the blockchain industry that has recorded good performance and great ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first blockchain platforms to be produced, the company wants to realize and help investors to be more concerned about the economic weakness suffered in the world of the concept of gotong royong as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this blockchain platform. Some important points from the Emrify Health Passport platform This will be the point where most registered investors or potential investors who will start their business on this platform will be in business.

Responding to the terms and conditions on the Emotional Health Passport platform is a revenue source that will provide a balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average opportunity value above the capital investment income, the symbolic sale will be distributed more deeply to the investors who want to profit on this platform. The opportunity to connect to the following projects is a major effort in legal and secure projects from tobacco trade and token in the blockchain industry, start operating and run a balanced analysis system in one of your tactics and ideas directed by many investors. . Emrify Health Passport is a decentralized blockchain platform that aims to build investments that affect the positive side of fund management to be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.

Emrify Health Passport comes early in the year at a commercial cryptography company that has certain characteristics, with the many commercial crypto markets currently dominating the market. Emmy Health Passport company Being one of the big successful big companies in the future. The trade in the world of cryptocurrency never escapes the rise and fall of fluctuations in currency values ​​and currency exchange, this is something natural for commercial cryptographic companies, other than that companies have no creative idea that can keep the system from investing, of course, this is a disaster which can be fatal with the destruction of the company. A decentralized investment fund in a blockchain platform for investors worldwide is an effective philosophy offered by this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the token owner. With so many markets in the world this year's cryptoscience that competes with many trading companies or markets must have unique characteristics and creativity, this can be one of the success points that the commercial crypto community can achieve.

About Emrify
Emrify is the heart of electronic health records. It's a safe, beautiful, and easy-to-understand interface that allows you to sync, view and share all your medical records on your mobile device. This is free. That's accurate. It improves health.

Users can see a thorough view of their progress by collecting worn wearable data such as Fitbit, HealthKit, and Google Fit.

Emrify's vision
Emrify has revolutionized the health care industry with Personal Health Records (PHR), Drug Events, and Clinical Trials for thousands of downloads and thousands of mobile application users on the platform. Foundation. Emrify pushes the winning boundary to a healthy carton (hackathon) to introduce a new solution. Emrify adopts new technology while maintaining a fundamental understanding of the challenges ahead.

As a company, Emrify is constantly looking for loopholes in the health care industry, the Holy Grail of Interoperability Problems Emrify believes it is a massive blade that kills large blocks. The decentralization model has been the focus of every stakeholder in the range of health services. More importantly, they have made people need more from their health care providers. The subsections below illustrate Emrify's plans for the birth of new health record platforms to build ecosystems using HIT tokens.

The HIT cryptocurrency
Emrify is introducing an open source cryptographic token called HIT. HIT will be the unit for all transactions within the ecosystem. HIT will serve as the basis of interoperability with other digital cryptocurrencies. HIT is a utility token valuable to both consumers and stakeholders for use in everyday services. For health data buyers, HIT represents the cost to pay network fees and pay users for their data. For consumers, HIT has value for paying transaction fees to share data to transfer and access medical records when needed and for third-party dapps.

HIT will be implemented on a public Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. Ethereum blockchain is currently an industry standard for removing custom digital assets and smart contracts. The ERC20 token interface allows for the deployment of standard tokens that are compatible with existing infrastructure from the Ethereum ecosystem, such as development tools, wallets, and exchanges.

DApp Health Store
To accelerate a new era of health design, Emrify will open up platforms to third-party developers to create decentralized products and services including themes, apps, widgets, virtual reality, augmented reality, bots, and voice interfaces like Alexa Skill and Google Assistant. Along the same lines, Emrify will start the ecosystem with some innate dapps like drugs, appointments, directories, labs and pictures. Once initial traction is successful, developers and outside startups are welcome to build more dapps to attract users with a flexible monetization model to get HIT. By being open to innovation, Emrify can continue to be the platform of choice for the collection of health information to stay ahead of the competition.


Issue of HIT token
HIT token allocation
To finance the HIT roadmap to the disturbance, Emrify will hold a token-making event to distribute 1 billion HIT units. 40% of the 1 billion (400 million) HIT will be available for crowdsale. Each HIT will be rewarded 0.025 cents per HIT to raise a total of $ 10 million. At the end of the sale, HIT is distributed will constitute the entire supply of available fluids.


Q. With diverse backgrounds in Economics, Medicine, and Self-taught Programming.

Tom Nguyen is the founder and CEO of Emrify Inc. who leads the vision for HITOM Nguyen is the founder and CEO of Emrify Inc. who leads the vision for HIJames holds a degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering with extensive health care experience. He is pleased with the technological changes as he works to help create a better future; integrating a very strong technical background with an understanding of business.

Vikas Singh is an experienced developer who is a true guardian of blockchain. Vikas has a proven track record in product development and blockchain development at a healthcare company in India. Vikas is an active member of the community to test new tools and educate others
the new world of blockchain.

For more information :

White paper:
Telegram Chat:
Telegram Channel:
JN Thread:

Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9

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