Senin, 30 April 2018



Emrify is the launch of a decentralized model, the Personal Health Records platform over the Ethereum public blockchain to provide reliable health information from the right hands at the right time, anywhere in the world

A decentralized project that has beneficial value for potential investors or investors is one project that will increase rapidly due to fluctuations in exchange of digital assets has increased significantly earlier this year. This network definition uses a somewhat unique theme from other blockchain platforms around the world, having a balance value and an investment process that has a higher profit value than the capital required in modern digital asset trading. Emrify Health Passport is a blockchain platform that introduces for the first time a unique creative idea in the economic market of symbolic economics that can start trading privately and in a platform for digital goods exchange.

Emrify Health Passport is one of the development outcomes of the blockchain industry that has recorded good performance and great ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first blockchain platforms to be produced, the company wants to realize and help investors to be more concerned about the economic weakness suffered in the world of the concept of gotong royong as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this blockchain platform. Some important points from the Emrify Health Passport platform This will be the point where most registered investors or potential investors who will start their business on this platform will be in business.

Responding to the terms and conditions on the Emotional Health Passport platform is a revenue source that will provide a balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average opportunity value above the capital investment income, the symbolic sale will be distributed more deeply to the investors who want to profit on this platform. The opportunity to connect to the following projects is a major effort in legal and secure projects from tobacco trade and token in the blockchain industry, start operating and run a balanced analysis system in one of your tactics and ideas directed by many investors. . Emrify Health Passport is a decentralized blockchain platform that aims to build investments that affect the positive side of fund management to be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.

Emrify Health Passport comes early in the year at a commercial cryptography company that has certain characteristics, with the many commercial crypto markets currently dominating the market. Emmy Health Passport company Being one of the big successful big companies in the future. The trade in the world of cryptocurrency never escapes the rise and fall of fluctuations in currency values ​​and currency exchange, this is something natural for commercial cryptographic companies, other than that companies have no creative idea that can keep the system from investing, of course, this is a disaster which can be fatal with the destruction of the company. A decentralized investment fund in a blockchain platform for investors worldwide is an effective philosophy offered by this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the token owner. With so many markets in the world this year's cryptoscience that competes with many trading companies or markets must have unique characteristics and creativity, this can be one of the success points that the commercial crypto community can achieve.

About Emrify
Emrify is the heart of electronic health records. It's a safe, beautiful, and easy-to-understand interface that allows you to sync, view and share all your medical records on your mobile device. This is free. That's accurate. It improves health.

Users can see a thorough view of their progress by collecting worn wearable data such as Fitbit, HealthKit, and Google Fit.

Emrify's vision
Emrify has revolutionized the health care industry with Personal Health Records (PHR), Drug Events, and Clinical Trials for thousands of downloads and thousands of mobile application users on the platform. Foundation. Emrify pushes the winning boundary to a healthy carton (hackathon) to introduce a new solution. Emrify adopts new technology while maintaining a fundamental understanding of the challenges ahead.

As a company, Emrify is constantly looking for loopholes in the health care industry, the Holy Grail of Interoperability Problems Emrify believes it is a massive blade that kills large blocks. The decentralization model has been the focus of every stakeholder in the range of health services. More importantly, they have made people need more from their health care providers. The subsections below illustrate Emrify's plans for the birth of new health record platforms to build ecosystems using HIT tokens.

The HIT cryptocurrency
Emrify is introducing an open source cryptographic token called HIT. HIT will be the unit for all transactions within the ecosystem. HIT will serve as the basis of interoperability with other digital cryptocurrencies. HIT is a utility token valuable to both consumers and stakeholders for use in everyday services. For health data buyers, HIT represents the cost to pay network fees and pay users for their data. For consumers, HIT has value for paying transaction fees to share data to transfer and access medical records when needed and for third-party dapps.

HIT will be implemented on a public Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 token. Ethereum blockchain is currently an industry standard for removing custom digital assets and smart contracts. The ERC20 token interface allows for the deployment of standard tokens that are compatible with existing infrastructure from the Ethereum ecosystem, such as development tools, wallets, and exchanges.

DApp Health Store
To accelerate a new era of health design, Emrify will open up platforms to third-party developers to create decentralized products and services including themes, apps, widgets, virtual reality, augmented reality, bots, and voice interfaces like Alexa Skill and Google Assistant. Along the same lines, Emrify will start the ecosystem with some innate dapps like drugs, appointments, directories, labs and pictures. Once initial traction is successful, developers and outside startups are welcome to build more dapps to attract users with a flexible monetization model to get HIT. By being open to innovation, Emrify can continue to be the platform of choice for the collection of health information to stay ahead of the competition.


Issue of HIT token
HIT token allocation
To finance the HIT roadmap to the disturbance, Emrify will hold a token-making event to distribute 1 billion HIT units. 40% of the 1 billion (400 million) HIT will be available for crowdsale. Each HIT will be rewarded 0.025 cents per HIT to raise a total of $ 10 million. At the end of the sale, HIT is distributed will constitute the entire supply of available fluids.


Q. With diverse backgrounds in Economics, Medicine, and Self-taught Programming.

Tom Nguyen is the founder and CEO of Emrify Inc. who leads the vision for HITOM Nguyen is the founder and CEO of Emrify Inc. who leads the vision for HIJames holds a degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering with extensive health care experience. He is pleased with the technological changes as he works to help create a better future; integrating a very strong technical background with an understanding of business.

Vikas Singh is an experienced developer who is a true guardian of blockchain. Vikas has a proven track record in product development and blockchain development at a healthcare company in India. Vikas is an active member of the community to test new tools and educate others
the new world of blockchain.

For more information :

White paper:
Telegram Chat:
Telegram Channel:
JN Thread:

Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9


What is GENESIS?
GENESIS is an international real estate fund and multifunctional operating platform built on the basis of blockchain and digital technology.
All the invested funds are used to purchase the platform's real estate and build its assets, creating a basis for future development and increasing the market value of the project. The innovative solutions realized in GENESIS provide a classic harmonious combination. the method of investing in real estate with the possibility of reaching the most progressive and modern digital economy.
Simplicity and ease of investing, brokerage exemptions, border removal and freedom of choice, stable profit guarantees, highest levels of reliability and investment security are key features of GENESIS.

  • Investment Security and Security
  • Diversify risk and high liquidity
  • The security token is

GENESIS Platform
an integrated corporate structure that combines all the key features and legal aspects of a decentralized project and classic enterprise and technology created based on blockchain technology. A clear and informative user interface with a personal account system will provide all the necessary information to investors. about investment objects, interests and payments, transactions, current level of market assets, and other information. GENESIS will enable investment in traditional investment tools, such as real estate, in a simple and easy way. At the same time, it will give investors access to use a diversified digital opportunity economy such as blockchain and cryptocurrency.

investment GENESIS's medium-term investment strategy guarantees gradual and economical development of the project for the three-year period 2018-2020.
This strategy provides the direction of development, form, and main method of the company to achieve the announced medium-term goals. Project development plans for the period after 2020 are included in the long-term development strategy.
GENESIS's medium-term development strategy is based on the determination of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as a key indicator of corporate finance, economic and market activities (marketing).


Fundraising project

GENESIS medium-term concepts and strategies provide an upgraded phase of assets owned by the company. The increase in project assets will be made by gradual and planned public offerings from 2018 to 2020. During this period it is planned to be placed on the market of approximately 250 million GES tokens. 50-60 million tokens in 2018, 50-60 million tokens in 2019, 120-130 million tokens by 2020. Starting from the second GES tokens collection in 2018, the doubling coefficient will be applied to the nominal token during the sale. GES tokens will be included in the cryptocurrency exchange list, all new GES token pools will be traded at current market prices. Based on the exchange rate, 250 million offer tokens will enable us to buy by GENESIS in 2021 and form a total real estate fund with a minimum asset value of around € 500-750 million.

Advantages to be given by Genesis are:
• Business Work
• Legitimacy
• Geography & Opportunities
• Credit & Loans
• Independence from Crypto Market

The Genesis platform will release GES Tokens, with their many benefits coming along with their tokens that:
  • Real estate guarantees Token GES is secured by assets associated with the highest level of guarantee - real estate. The instability of cryptography and the possible collapse of cryptographic goods can not affect the speed of the GES tokens, as their prices are determined and based on property values and project profitability.
  • The company's obligation to redemption One of the main parameters for investors is the company's obligation to redeem the jockey. Investors will be able to exercise the right to leave the project and sell the company token at any time after the commencement of project operations.
  • Offering on the international and high growth markets The project investment strategy involves the mandatory expansion of GES tokens with international exchange rates. Financial forecasts indicate that within 6-9 months after a public exchange offer, the token rate may increase by 300-750%.
  • GES Tokens are part of real estate. All real estate belonging to the GENESIS platform will be taught, you will own your property, depending on the amount of investment.
  • Possibility to participate in special high-paying projects. The owner of the GES tokens receive the benefits of implementing specific projects. This will provide additional income for investors from 25% -75%.

Road map:




For more information :

Minggu, 29 April 2018



What is ThinkCoin?
ThinkCoin is a cryptocurrency that is intended to allow daily exchange of money-related items and computer exchange tokens that help TradeConnect set up. By applying blockchain at the exchange, ThinkCoin allows clients to exchange forex, stock items, and other money related items in a direct, safe, and easy to use manner.

The purpose of Trade Connect is to take advantage of the security of blockchain innovation to empower clients to safely exchange budget resources worldwide. With ThinkCoin, the exchange finishes quickly. Exchange Connect will allow clients to exchange benefits with different vendors around the world. Utilize a semi-expanding exchange model, where exchanges are handled outside the chain but recorded on the chain using brilliant contracts.

Exchanging frameworks stuck in models and structures that are old and decades old. ThinkMarkets, ThinkCoin's parent organization has grown in this world, but new innovations have opened new doors in monetary administration, and we need to keep our situation at the forefront of progress. ThinkCoin tries to determine all the problems in the currency exchange market associated with current money, which corresponds to the following:

An excessive amount of intermediaries can expand the cost of transverse business, create credit and monetary hazards.
The absence of adaptability makes it difficult to exchange exchanges and meet the individual needs of each broker.
The peak is too long. The old organization though long enough to affirm the exchange.
Absence of frankness among conventional business models.

We created TradeConnect: a state-of-the-art exchange-based exchange system that will empower the exchange of money-related resources on the planet. Our order programming will allow people and organizations to exchange with each other, creating customized game areas where players expand and exchange small as equivalents. The exchange will be confirmed on blockchain, which means the settlement can be completed in seconds instead of days - changing the exchange for good.

• TradeConnect will be able to work with several financial assets from the beginning. with specific intellectual contracts used for each financial product. Although initially we offer FX and CFD trading. The system will be extended to receive shares. Futures, commodities, compound derivatives, options. bonds and institutional products.
Maker and Market Maker

Connection fee
• Instead of a commission, the connection fee is charged for each transaction and is shared between the market maker and the network itself. The fee will be based on the product type as a percentage of the transaction size itself and will be included in the terms of all franchise contracts on the network.

• Trading solutions reduce dependence on brokers and other intermediaries and enable direct trade for all. Your money remains under your control, with funds for transactions made for blocking chains, awaiting execution and completion of a trading contract. Settlement and payment can be made immediately. without delay and no charge to transfer funds.

Off-Chain Transactions
• The block process will delay the calculation, so we will use the bidding process outside the network to speed up execution. Transactions are extinguished outside the network, and then credited by summing the net profit and loss in the form of a single bulk transaction and recording it in the ethereum unit.

• It is an independent source of information that determines the outcome of the contract and sends transactions outside the network to a smart contract. Maybe oracle includes Bloomberg, Thompson Reuters, and other trusted vendors.

Mission Statement
Trades are trapped in models and structures that are decades old. New technology has created new opportunities in financial services, and we want to keep our position on the cutting edge of innovation. At TradeConnect we create a trading network where the latest AI technology and the revolutionary power of blockchain combine to free trade from legacy practice constraints. ThinkCoin, the cryptocurrency that it will run, will ultimately allow trading of any financial product, enabling unprecedented trading. We will leverage new technologies to design networks that bring unprecedented levels of market flexibility. Most importantly, we will change the trade forever.

The Benefits of ThinkCoin
Seeing how businesses are currently moving, ThinkCoin tends to solve all the pressing issues in the market today.
What's more, it includes:

  • To reduce the effects of intermediaries, thereby reducing the cost of businesses that have created credit and money-related dangers.
  • Bringing the flexibility in the market, thereby making transfers with trade easier and further meeting the individual needs of every trader
  • Creating faster for settlements in exchange confirmation
  • Bringing transparency between custom brokerage models

How Merchants can use ThinkCoin

Below are the steps on how merchants can use Thinkcoin while exchanging digital assets in the TradeConnect network.

Step 1) The market maker offers deals and the market maker takes the deal

Step 2) TradeConnect match makers and mutual takers, then run trades

Step 3) Offline exchange is stored by relay, with 75% of TradeConnect cost allocated to maker and rebate pool taker

Step 4) An independent oracle determines victory or misfortune

Step 5) A brilliant contract naturally completes the exchange between maker and getter (half of TradeConnect fees go to market maker, 25% to market maker, and 25% to TradeConnect network).

Tradeconnect and Solutions it brings
We are developing TradeConnect: a state-of-the-art-machinemanship based exchange network that will enable the exchange of money-related assets on the planet. Our order software will allow people and companies to trade directly with one another, creating a balanced playing field where players are big and a bit of trade as the equivalent. Trading will be verified on blockchain, which means settlement can be completed in seconds instead of days - changing the exchange forever.

Exchanging ThinkCoin.
Generally, ThinkCoin has been created to solve the exchange problem by creating a through-craft method of a peer-to-peer exchange network called TradeConnect. TradeConnect will allow the exchange of any budget assets on the planet. The TradeConnect software will allow people and foundations to trade directly with one another, leading to a balanced playing field where wholesalers and merchants can trade as equal. With ThinkCoin, all trades are verified on blockchain, which means settlement can be completed in seconds - not days. The TradeConnect ecosystem will revolve around the use of ThinkCoin, which is described as a "digital exchange token that supports the TradeConnect network." By using ThinkCoin, you can trade forex, commodities, stocks, and other budget items with your peers in a simple, safe, and easy-to-use way. ThinkCoin is listed under TCO image. You can buy TCO in the middle of pre-ICO and ICO organizations. They sell TCO in exchange for fiat currency and crypto currency. After token sales, TCO will be available for purchase from various exchanges.


Token InformationThinkCoin (TCO)
ThinkCoin is a cryptocurrency designed to allow trading in financial products and cryptocurrency between individuals and institutions at the level of the playing field.

Total Supply:

Total Allocation:

Hard Cap:
$ 30,000,000 USD

Soft Cap:
$ 5,000,000 USD

BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC and Fiat...

5 March to 2 April 2018


April 3 - May 14, 2018


May 15 - May 25, 2018



For more information :

Facebook: https: / /
Telegram Community Group:

Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9



Blackfolio is a platform that focuses on providing and developing cryptocurrency trading services that enable users to be able to manage their crypto assets more intelligently and reliably. Blackfolio has a cryptocurrency management system that allows users to access their crypto assets from multiple wallets. The crypto asset management system developed by Blackfolio also provides a system where users will be notified when opportunities can appear on special exchanges in relation to user-defined strategic profiles, so users will not lose a favorable moment for them.

Blackfolio is a cryptocurrency trading platform that allows users to manage their crypto assets smarter and more profitable. Blackfolio provides several features such as Connected portfolio and transaction monitoring, AI Monitoring Assistance, and more, which will help users manage their crypto assets.

Blackfolio focuses on providing cryptocurrency trading services that enable users to manage their crypto assets and engage users in searching for profitable opportunities from the global cryptocurrency market.

Good Portfolio Tracking and list of merged transactions. Alliw users which easily connect all your wallets and exchange to get a clear view of your crypto wealth.

Build a trading strategy with no programming skills to get more profits.

Backtest on multiple exchanges and estimate profits by placing in chart orders to see the results of direct estimates on historical data.

Features of the Blackfolio business model
Blackfolio will be a Wealth Management app for cryptocurrency purses. This will work on your desktop, as well as on your phone. This app promises to be customizable and scalable. It will be an accurate companion and help to manage your digital wallet.
  • Its social features allow you to connect with different traders, think about cryptocurrencies that arise and understand the strategies you need afterwards.
  • It will run as a cross trading Framework as well and help you pick up from the increasing value of cryptocurrency.
  • It will also happen as a discussion of multiple exchanges.
  • You will be able to assess your assets, understand the benefits you make and withdraw the same unless the platform fee will take a portfolio of Connected.
You will be able to assess your assets, understand the benefits you make and withdraw the same unless the platform fee will take a portfolio of Connected.

AI and Blockchain Convergence
Each technology has its own level of technical complexity and business implications but the shared use of both may redesign the entire world (and human) technology viewpoint.

In the near future we will see a revolution in the global budget system through Cryptocurrency and BLACKFOL.IO is a Blockchain platform that has used Artificial Intelligence to deliver Cryptocurrency in an easy and inexpensive way.


Imagine a platform that gives you full access to all your encryption assets Some wallets. The platform will warn you of opportunities that may come in specific exchanges on your portfolio. All the tools to help Improve your performance and get the best results. With you can not only manage your assets and manage your place, but you will also benefit from other successful merchant experiences, advanced strategies, presentations and information exchange with them. To wrap it all up, put a law on adding capital that has not been equivalent to your decision. State, we provide an expense record to frame your assessment statement.

· Cross Trading Platform is an excellent cross trading platform. There are many exchanges available on this platform. Merchants can open and close orders from multiple exchanges using only a single platform, which means traders have more freedom to trade on multiple exchanges more conveniently.

· Artificial intelligence
AI is a great addition to this crypto trading platform. This technology can model user behavior by taking information from the market and web-based social networking platform. AI will filter the news about cryptocurrency from web-based social networks. Finally, traders can use that information to find out which cryptocurrency they should focus on.

· Mirror Trade is nicknamed as a social trading platform for a reason. In addition to trading in general, users can also connect with other merchants and even duplicate their trading strategies. This is a great open door for beginner crypto traders to benefit and learn how professional traders create bulletproof strategies.

Token Details
This cryptocurrency project will launch a special token called BLACK. These tokens will be used to develop the ecosystem and also for the various transactions within this platform.

Detail Token
· Token Name: BLACK
· Token Price: USD 0.04
· Token Protocol: ERC-20
· Payment Received: USD, ETH
· Fixed Rate: 1 ETH = 20,000 Black = USD 800

Sales Token
· Total Supply: 600,000,000 BLACK
· Sale: 318.000.000 BLACK
· Hard Cap: 15,900 ETH
· Soft Cap: 1.875 ETH


PRE-ICO 2017 => Prototype core testing
PRE-ICOQ4 2017 => Counselor join the project
PRE-ICOEarly Q1 2018 => Whitepaper Editor, ICO preparation, Marketing, planning
April 2018 => Initial Coin OfferingMarch

PHASE 1 -Dynamic portfolio tracker = Q2 2018
(Get your wallet and balance from exchange to track your coin's worth and profits.)
STAGE 2 - Performance Analysis = Q2 & Q3 2018
(Get an easy merged view of all your transactions and trades with chart performance to analyze your profits.)
PHASE 3- Social related merchants = Q3 2018
(Communities can view public profile merchants to view and track their performance and relative portfolio repartition.)
PHASE 4 - Tool TAX = Q4 2018
(Based on your advantages and disadvantages, we produce the suggested version of your TAX statement form)

PHASE 5 - Cross Exchange Transactionnal = Q1 2019
(Manage orders on from multiple exchanges and get the best market for coins.)
PHASE 6 - Mirror trading slot contract = Q3 2019
(This gives users the possibility of selling slots for their trading strategie mirrors on exchange by allocating% of
your balance.)
PHASE 7 - Implementation of Artificial Intelligence = Q4 2019
(Analyze your past movements, favorite coins, historic market data, social networking metrics.This will give you
relevant information about your strategy.

The team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I can not complain if we talk about their professional level, men are experts in their field.


For more information :

Sabtu, 28 April 2018


What is GLN (Gameloot Network)?
The online Loot Network Game distribution platform works like an app store, but with more features and Cryptocurrency. Combined with blockchain technology, the original Game Loot Network cryptocoin, Loot Token, allows the platform to become a one stop revolutionary store for all Gaming.

Digital distribution (also known as content distribution, online distribution, or electronic software distribution) is the distribution or distribution of multimedia content such as audio, video, software, and video games. The term is commonly used to describe the distribution of online broadcast media, such as the Internet, through physical distribution methods, such as paper, compact discs, and VHS video cassettes. The term online distribution is generally applied to stand-alone products; Downloadable add-ons for other products are more commonly referred to as downloadable content. With the advancement of network bandwidth capability, online distribution has become dominant in the 21st century.
Content distributed online may be broadcast or downloaded, and often includes books, movies and TV shows, music, software and video games. Streaming involves downloading and using content at the request of a user, or "on demand", rather than allowing the user to permanently store it. On the other hand, downloading the entire contents to a hard drive or other type of storage media may allow offline access in the future.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a practical invisible invention that causes a revolution in the global business market. Its evolution has brought greater benefits, not only to the company but also to its beneficiaries. But since this is a revelation to the world, the vision of its operational activities remains unclear. The main question in everyone's mind is - What is Blockchain?
For starters, Blockchain technology serves as a platform that allows transiting digital information without the risk of being copied. This has, in a way, laid the foundation for a strong backbone of this new kind of Internet space. Originally designed to treat Bitcoin - trying to explain to the uninitiated functions of the algorithm, hash functions and digital signature properties, today, tech fans are using another potential of this immaculate discovery that could pave the way for a whole new business process in the world .
Blockchain, to define in every way, is a kind of algorithm and data distribution structure for electronic money management without centralized administrative interference, programmed to record all financial transactions and all who hold value.
Blockchain The Blockchain can be understood as a Ledger distributed technology originally designed to support cryptocurrency Bitcoin. But after harsh criticism and rejection, the technology has been revised for use in more productive matters.
To give you a clear picture, imagine a spreadsheet that is virtually pushed over and over through a large number of computer systems. And then imagine that this network is designed to update this spreadsheet over time. That's exactly what a blockchain is.
Information stored in blockchain is a shared sheet whose data is reconciled over time. It's a convenient way to talk about many clear benefits. To be shared, blockchain data does not exist in one place. This means that everything stored there is open for public view and verification. In addition, there is no centralized information storage platform that hackers can hack. It's almost accessible on more than one million computer systems side by side, and its data is accessible to anyone with an Internet connection.
Durability and authenticity of Blockchain
Blockchain technology is something that minimizes Internet space. Very beautiful in nature. Similar to providing data to the general public through the World Wide Web, authentic block of information is stored on identical blockchain platforms across all networks.
It is important to note that blockchain can not be controlled by one person, entity, or identity, and has no single point of failure. Just as the Internet has proven to be a sustainable space for 30 years, blockchain will also serve as an authentic and reliable global stage for growing business transactions.

Reimagined Game
This platform solves a systemic problem in the gaming industry. The user enters the app, creates a login, and loads the Loot Network Game lobby. This hub has three gates:

1.Wake up
Through the developers of this portal and users access the crowdfunding catalog. Indie designers submit their game idea to the list in this screen. Their proposal page may include screenshots, demos, or gameplay recordings. Users offer LOOT tokens to sponsor profitable projects. Instead of their cryptocoins, supporters receive a percentage of income revenue from upcoming games.

This door will host a decentralized app store and embedded game. Users can play on the platform or download a curated title. In a continuous circle, the ideas generated in the Build portal generate revenue for gamers and designers in the Play gateway.

3. Obtain
Gate Earn offers a variety of revenue generating tools. Through this door, players can enter the three-door subset:

Users can:
Playing game
To organize game tournaments
And, of course, to produce.

Loot Token acts as a currency for prizes on the platform. With Loot's help, platform users will have the opportunity to enter a tournament with a head incline, generate recurring revenue through focused games, buy game incentives, bid on online auctions, receive additional revenue, and ultimately download games created solely for the platform. Loot will evolve, consuming extensive utilities for applications.

Conditional marketing can be divided into 3 points:
  • Register at Loot Network Game. The registration fee is 125 dollars. For this you get some "tools to work" and the title of Ambasador (as a GLN call partner).
  • Invitation 3 people to the company. Once your referral link is registered with 3 people, you will receive a $ 250 commission.
  • Passive income from Game Loot Network. After completing the first two points, you receive $ 5 passive income per day.

Distribution Token:
  • Token Name LOOT
  • Holding company GLN Holdings, INC. (WY, USA)
  • SAFT Entity Loot Cove Co., LLC. (WY, US)
  • Public token sales agency Loot Cove Co. LTD (Mauritius)
  • LOOT Price USD $ 0.35 [or equivalent in ether]
  • Target sales of CAP (STC) US $ 50,000,000.00
  • The maximum sales target (MST) is US $ 75,000,000.00
  • Total supply of LOOT 600,000,000 LOOT
  • Token Supply CAP model Fixed, non-inflationary
  • Public sale duration opened May 29, 2018
  • Public sales duration is 230 days



Project has a strong and highly qualified team, which I think is capable of taking the project to the highest level in a short time and I hope they succeed.

The team includes large specialists from various industries with years of experience. With the main participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find links to their personal accounts on social networks.


Friend, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail.

For more information :

Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9



Digitization is a block-based and crypto-based ecosystem that allows consumers to turn loose changes into virtual currency at the point of transaction. The loose changes are eliminated into Digitize currency, allowing for use for payments, loyalty programs, and exchanged with Etheruem. Digitizing solves the problem of having to withstand a lot of loose changes, which ultimately can not be used, by allowing you to save money by making transactions directly into your own digital wallet and allowing you to convert it to another currency or use it for future payments.

"Like so many others around the world, Peter is unhappy with the loose changes.He is sometimes even almost angry when the changes that can be given to him in the form of more notes given to him in the form of loose change But holding a lot of loose change is not the only the problem Peter faced, sometimes he did not really get it because there was not enough change to give, or the shopkeeper thought the change was insignificant, actually got loose change, he faced many problems with them.
First and foremost, he feels uncomfortable with the change because it takes a lot of space in his wallet and makes his wallet very heavy. But when he does not have a wallet with him, the problem becomes even worst, the loose change continues to jangle in his pocket and makes a lot of noise that makes him feel uncomfortable. In addition, many loose changes are able to create a hole in one's pocket.
Moreover, Peter is a shy type. Bringing many loose changes to the supermarket to buy something makes her feel ashamed. And further, Peter easily lost his loose change. To him, the amount of dime lost has greatly affected his finances.
Peter therefore thinks if he has the option of saving his loose change or converting it into another form of asset instantly, it will be helpful, because it will save a lot and reduce the amount of noise he goes through. He explains his desire to his friend, Samuel, who tells him that he used to face the same problem with his loose changes until he finds a platform that helps him exactly what Peter wants. Samuel then introduced Peter to DIGITIZE "

"Imagine Peter walking to his favorite candy shop in the neighborhood.He decided to buy a candy that would cost $ 26. But Peter paid cash for $ 30, which meant that he had a $ 4 change to receive. receive a cash change or he will like to digitize? Peter decides that the change should be digital. With the help of the Digitize mobile scanning tool set up on a reseller account, the retailer gets Peter to sign up to Digitize the services and wallet on his smartphone He scans the scanning device with his phone allowing him to accept the changes directly to his wallet. "
This is how Digitize works. For video clarification, please watch the video below.

The Digitize Platform can be setup on any portable mobile device for merchants to use independently of their POS system. This will allow merchants to accept Digitize without having to experience changes to their payment arrangements. The Digitize Device will allow the user to be able to pay and save funds to and from the merchant cryptocurrency purse. Merchants will also be able to allocate and assign Digitize token to consumers as part of their loyalty program and promotion. This platform has the following features;

1. Digitize Payments
It is a transaction management system for retailers and buyers, supported by blockchain.

2. Digitize Exchange
This is an interconnected platform for exchanging Digitize token to other cryptocurrencies.

3. Digitize Wallet
This is a blockchain supported wallet, used to store and store Digitize tokens.

4. Digitize Rewards
This is a platform for managing customer loyalty gifts, made for retailers.

Digitalization provides benefits to customers, retailers and the economy as a whole in the following ways;

Benefits for consumers:
  • Eliminate the disappointment associated with the loss of money.
  • Electronic wallet to save and save changes.
  • Give rewards to the program to sellers and instant payment solutions.
  • The purchase and exchange process of crypto-loan is simple and smooth.

Benefits for Retailers:

  • Eliminates the need to hold and make payments.
  • The services provided can increase consumer demand.
  • Give rewards to programs using instant payment solutions.
  • Resellers receive a percentage of the number of transactions when money is deposited for the digital currency.

Economic benefits:
  • Eliminates the need to hold and make payments.
  • The services provided can increase consumer demand.
  • Reduce dependence on physical currency and production costs




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Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9

Kamis, 26 April 2018


Virtual Reality is the fastest growing segment of the entertainment industry. This technology has shocked market participants with its exceptional utility. VRT is a blockchain based platform designed to facilitate all Virtual Reality participants on a single platform and deliver transparency.

VRT World, a Moscow-based company, offers responses to current checkpoints in the development of VR Content. World VRT, formerly known as VR technology, has been working in the field of virtual reality since its inception. In December, VRT World opens Z8 VR Park, first place in Moscow, offering VR game play experience. The company has developed its own unique "Full Body Tracking VR" technology, which lets you track the player's body movements accurately with a limited number of sensors. As proof of concept, VRT released a video game called "Star Troopers" based on a full body tracking technology, games with the theme of space colonies and interplanetary conflicts aroused great interest, first introduced as an attraction in the VR Z8 park.

With a stack of VR development tools, VRT World offers a common platform for VR developers, providing all the tools necessary for talented independent programmers and teams interested in producing VR Content. This is a very timely idea, considering that now the VR industry is difficult and expensive for beginners to get into because of expensive hardware, software, and testing tools. The VRT platform includes an easy-to-use SDK and API, a decentralized repository and a VR emulator, where developers can test their programs. The platform offers developers their own tracking system for companies, innovative exclusive technology that enables tracking of player movements with high accuracy. Among other things, the Platform provides NPC builders based on Artificial Intelligence (AI),

On the VRT World platform, developers, players, and businesses will shape the community and will continue to contribute to its growth and development. VRT users will have access to the SDK platform and API that will allow it to involve a large number of developers in upgrading the system. In addition, users will enjoy unlimited VR features and gain access to exclusive technology, participate in breakthrough gaming and entertainment projects, monetize their own ideas, become the offline VR park owners around the world using the VR World project.

Why blockchain?
A blockchain is a special type of data structure (ie a database), where the data is defined and constructed in successive blocks. Each data block includes a small piece of data that verifies the contents of the previous block. Consequently, if an attempt is made to convert the previous block in the chain, all subsequent blocks stop to be matched. Imagine that the database looks like a Lego slice tower that follows a certain sequence of red-green-green-blue-yellow-red. If a change is made to the second block, the remaining sequence of the second block will change and become, say, red-black-brown-orange-purple-pink. Systems that maintain blockchain will be able to detect and reject modifications being attempted, and this is what makes blockchain damaging-proof, in other words, secured.

Blockchain technology is widely used in VRT World business processes that make it impossible to replace or lose data.
Using the Smart contract makes VRT World a trusted and impartial underwriter in fulfilling obligations to system users at:
  • Verify ownership of intellectual property
  • Distributing automatic distribution
  • Community involvement
  • Developer motivation system
  • Cybersport Match
  • Franchise management practices

ICO and Cryptocurrency
ICO is crowdfunding through the use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup or an existing company. In ICO the percentage of recently issued cryptocurrency is sold to investors in return for legal tender or other cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.

Why you should invest in the Early Stage
The initial stage and the existing company may be of very low value and have great potential for rapid growth. Smart startup companies today can increase hundreds of times faster than a few years ago. There has never been a better time to invest. These opportunities are now available not only for venture capital or institutional investors, but for retail investors and for you as well.

VRT World Token.
The VRT World Token is a valuable digital asset, which the World VRT platform will use. With the help of ICO VRT World platform plan to attract investment resources in a wide range. Suppose, token sales will appeal to digital asset owners, who want to transfer them to safer investment tools and do not tremble whenever they hear news of possible falling levels of Bitcoin.

VRT World tokens will also be used as gifts, given to platform participants to complete certain tasks such as content moderation, conflict resolution, and other functions. VRT World tokens will be used as a method of payment for all platform transactions, including the purchase, sale and rental of VR content.

All tasks on the VRT World platform are executed using VRT World tokens. This is a local token platform.

In another to participate in ICO, follow the steps below:
Buy token: The VRT World Platform issues a number of tokens during ICO.
Accept dividend payments: As the token holder, you are eligible to receive payments equivalent to shareholder dividends.
Convert your token into shares or use on platforms: As the token holder, you also have the right to change your token into Ordinary Stock or use it on the platform.

It's not hard to see that VR's blocking and technology promises and thrives in the direction of IT. VRT is able to open the door to a rich virtual world for players, developers, and entrepreneurs. This startup seeks to unite the VR market into a single system.
The key moments of this platform are the creation of offline markets, this introduction will allow developers to sell their products without spending huge amounts of money on equipment. Creating the emulator will test all developments. Because the project is created by blocking technology, users will be able to manage the direction of platform development, selecting projects. Let me remind you that thanks to blocking all actions, including voting will be completely transparent, this will exclude closing votes. Thanks to this, you can accurately believe that the top position will be the most feasible and best project.

Details of ICO
ICO begins on March 14, 2018 and will expire on April 30, 2018.
Ticker: VRT
Type: Utility-token
Token Standard: ERC-20
Additional Token Emissions: No
Token price in USD: 1 Token = 1 USD
Accepted Currency: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, BCH
Bonus Program: 20% until the end of token sale.

Token Distribution:
15% - Founder and team
2% - Bounty
3% - Bancor Reserve
5% - Project Support Fund
75% - Sale Token

Budget allocation:
18% - VR garden content development
15% - Project marketing
12% - Development of VR park franchise
25% - SDK and technological upgrades
30% - VR Park organizes and promotes it



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Sprintx is a platform for entrepreneurs and the development of new business ideas, which will unlock the market potential of cryptocurrency with Exchange support as a multifunctional SwitchX with debit card.
Partner with someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of the Startup world and its needs. This is why we are partnering with FundaciĆ³n NOVA.
With the Fund and guiding entrepreneurs through different programs, NOVA seeks to develop the positive impact of the State and serves as an example of industries that produce skilled human capital in technology.

Mission & Vision
Created an Intelligent City that serves as a Technology Startup Center that allows the financial tools and entities necessary to launch their own ICO and turn it into a cryptocurrency folio currency.
Create an independent community with the use of blockchain technology for business innovation to improve people's lives.

The purpose of ICO fundraising is to provide Sprintx with sufficient means for the evolution of rights, achieving the goals and beneficiaries of SPTX tokens.
It is clear that the Exchange will be released regardless of the fundraising obtained, as long as the number of tokens required for pre-ICO is met. Funds obtained will be used to get 6 banks in various countries including Switzerland.

How does the SprintX Ecosystem Work?
Each component of the SprintX ecosystem is an independent entity that will work in a lasting partnership for mutual benefit and each will have a specific purpose for the type of support offered for each Startup:

Will manage all aspects of ICO for Startup and analyze whether ICO is feasible and appropriate.
FundaciĆ³n NOVA
Will take each Startup to NOVA Campus which is a Smart City designed specifically for business and technology development to grow their business in that location.
Will be the bank behind our operations and will manage the financial aspects of our regulation and financing activities on a global scale.

It is a user-friendly platform that builds Ethereum blockchain technology for start-ups to develop new business ideas. With the support of SwitchX as a multifunctional exchange with debit card access, this platform will unlock the market potential of cryptocurrency.

The problems we face
The problem is usually only people who are interested in investing in an already successful and successful business. For a new model or business concept, finding investors is very difficult. Now there are many talented people with brilliant new business ideas that have no recognition and source. From this problem, SprintX is interested in helping these people realize their dreams.

Some of the characteristics of SprintX are:
Hot and cold purses.
Adaptation to a fork.
Assimilation to Airdrop.
Debit card service.
SwitchX Exchange.
What is the purpose of SprintX?
The platform works under three important pillars, namely development, integration, and conversion.
Smart contracts are made on Ethereum blockchain technology using innovative business ideas from start-up. Token will be created and Initial Coin Offering (ICO) will be launched using ICO-making solution from this project.
Tokens for ICO will automatically be integrated into SwitchX exchange. In addition, the token value will be created automatically on the exchange platform. The multi-cryptocurrency wallet
will be generated by the core development team associated with this project. The wallet will be integrated with the associated banks of the new company. Business will be provided with a virtual debit card to convert cryptocurrency stored to crypto currency or other fiat currency.
What problem is solved by SprintX?
Many start-ups around the world can not move forward from their development stage and their conceptual stage due to strict regulations from financial institutions and banks. The majority of start-ups fail because they do not have the necessary funds to implement their projects.
Early coins or ICO offerings have helped a large number of people around the world to implement and implement their start-up and ambitious ideas. Businesses can gain access to initial funding through various types of cryptocurrency.

SprintX platform guides start business and business professionals step by step, with the precise knowledge and technical tools required in the ICO manufacturing and launch procedures.
Why is SprintX a good project?
This platform is an ICO generator that will work in conjunction with SwitchX in a multifunctional way.
Some of the benefits of this project include:
Availability of banking entities for the conversion of crypto currency to fiat currency
The banking entity of this easy-to-use platform will give the necessary and necessary permissions for users to use their cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH, LTE) and easily convert it into fiat currency (Euro and Dollar) using a debit card.
Automatic integration to Exchange
Investors will have the benefit of merging tokens to a SwitchX Exchange by making their ICO on their platform. This will save their business processes and facilitate their work.
Generation blockchain and smart contract
Start-ups will have the opportunity to generate their own executable contracts without intermediaries between parties using advanced Ethereum blockchain technology.
How is SprintX different and better than other ICO tokens?

Issues related to the majority of ICO tokens
The majority of ICO tokens such as Guardium, CryptoLoans, BunnyToken, BitCAD, Zupplyare are launched without integration to any cryptocurrency exchange. In addition, ICO tokens do not have the ability to automatically generate smart contracts on blockchain technology based on business ideas from start-up businesses around the world. The core development teams associated with various projects do not provide expert advice in the field of digital strategy. They will give general advice on various digitizing strategies. Popular tokens providers provide buyers with no access to hot and cold wallets.

The solution provided by SprintX
Platform will accommodate the development of new ICO.
Token will automatically be integrated into SwitchX Exchange using SprintX.
This will help users to participate in the launch and promotion of each ICO.
With this platform, users will get complete access to using cold and hot purses made for storage and trading of different cryptocurrencies in a user-friendly way.
Blockchain and smart contracts can be easily created by entrepreneurs and new companies around the world using this platform.
Personal advice will be provided by experienced and skilled professionals and experts to the users for systematic development and expansion of their business ideas.
Users to receive complete access to various digital strategies are well planned and executed.

Token Information

  • Token SPTX
  • PreICO Price 1 SPTX = 0.30 USD
  • Price 1 SPTX = 0.30 USD
  • Available Bonus
  • Bounty Available
  • Ethereum Platform
  • Accepting ETH
  • Minimum investment 0.05 ETH
  • Soft cap 50,000,000 SPTX
  • Hard cap 723,450,000 SPTX
  • Country Switzerland
  • Whitelist / KYC KYC
  • Restricted areas USA, Canada, China, Singapore


Jose Rivas / Founder
Brigham Santos / CEO
Adrian Gomes / Director of Public Affairs
Fabiola Leon / Strategy Manager
Carlos Carranza /
Digital Marketing Specialist Oscar Machado / Information Specialist
Chelsea Acosta / Social Media Manager
Eduardo Argueta / Investigation Specialist
Eduardo Megia / Developer Interface
Fernando Martir / UX / UI
Xochilt Guardado / Strategic Designer


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Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9


Cryptocurrency. How much information revolves around this word. And how many projects try to implement it, add or offer their own digit...