Kamis, 01 Maret 2018

QUANTUM 1 NET - Keeping All Personal Data Safe

What is Quantum 1 net?

You've probably heard that the RSA cryptographic platform is over four decades old. It is designed to secure digital communications and the internet. But now several other technologies appear to interfere with the functionality of RSA cryptographic platforms. Quantum computing is one of them. This has been a major threat to RSA and some other forms of encryption. It has some better tools to make it easier for internet hackers to solve the RSA cryptographic mechanism.

Quantum computers are considered more developed than ordinary computers because these are able to take advantage of the unique features of the microscopic world, attachments, and superpositions to make calculations more accurate and effective.

In addition, they can complete the task within minutes and hours that the most advanced tool will spend billions of years to complete. As this is more developed, it is difficult for professionals to find the best solution to deal with such threats. These computers pose a real threat to digital communications because most of the encryption methods are designed to take advantage of classical computer slowness. This is not effective for Quantum computers.

For the security of user data in the field of crypto currency, used RSA technology. This encryption system is 40 years old. Despite the fact that this system has proven itself in the early stages of development, even 10-15 years ago, the system is not the same as the market, but along with the emergence of quantum computers, the situation has changed radically. Currently, the situation is developing in such a way that almost everyday there is hacking RSA system attempts by various hackers from all over the world.
In the last century, high-powered quantum computers emerged. They simply damage the reputation of the RSA security technology. It is not necessary to explain the difference in quantum technology from stationary PCs, but I think it is clear to everyone that quantum machines do several thousand times large calculations per second, which allows us to break RSA without problems.
The main goal of the QUANTUM1NET team is to create a new platform for transferring data from point A to point B, protected by complex quantum keys. Thanks to the quantum machines used in creating platforms, a very high level of security is created, which can not be created in the usual way.

This Quantum1Net Mission Innovation is what drives the Quantum1Net team, we are determined to create powerful technology, make it accessible, relevant, and ultimately personal. The Quantum1Net mission is to create enabling and enabling technologies. We have designed the product very securely so you do not have to worry now or in the future about the security of your data. We introduce an unparalleled level of technical innovation, combined with user-connected system design to provide security, ease of use, and ultimate peace of mind.

Every year, Quantum1Net plans to reinvest about 20% of revenue into research and development of new network security solutions to improve transmission of choice for people worldwide who suffer from unsafe data transmission. This will make Quantum1Net an intensive research company.

Quantum computing and code-breaking
While quantum computers will have a positive effect on the technology industry, their performance also pose immediate security issues. RSA is based on a large number of factoring difficulties to store encrypted data.

Quantum Encryption Key
Key Encryption The Quantum Key Generator is at the core of the Quantum1Net encryption policy. Review, generate a multi-digit random number from which mathematical characteristics are extracted in the case of RSA main factorization. However, there is one major problem: random generators are used only pseudo-randomized (commonly called PRNGs), therefore. Analysis shows that PRNG shows repetitive behavior patterns in choosing what is called a "random number." This means that with sufficient number of results, you can make an estimate for the selection of the next number.Therefore, the PRNG is not really random.
Instead, Quantum1Net is supported by a key generator of encryption quantum code (QEKG).

Quantum1Net Work Plan
The goal is to fund the business through an initial offering of a personalized Ethereal token, followed by a later Bitcoin bid. This second Bitcoin offering will be made with Quantum1Net QEKG, as it will launch after the limited launch of Quantum1Net next year.

Token Q1S

Price 1 ETH = 1000
Q1S platform:
Minimum investment Ethereal Minimum 100 Q1S
Soft cap 3,500,000 EUR Capet
hard EUR

The Quantum1Net team

Mattias Bergstrom
Stan Miasnikov
Mats Jagmalm
Thomas Olofsson
Joseph Fernandez
Andreas Tibblin
Michael Johnson

For more information :

Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9

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